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Write Fearlessly

inkwealthy is a place for writers and readers to meet, collaborate and, ultimately, create together. More and more people are publishing powerful texts without the need for traditional venues. This site was created to further these efforts and empower you to create the best possible work.

As a writer you simply submit your work and you'll be paired up with up to five beta readers. When you upload your document you include genre and other pertinent information. inkwealthy will match up the best readers for you and your text.

Read Passionately

inkwealthy needs enthusiastic readers - the ones who really love great stories. A diversity of perspectives means more meaningful writing is possible. inkwealthy hopes to make this collaboration between readers and writers not only more streamlined, but also effective.

Joining inkwealthy as a reader means you'll have the opportunity to help authors polish and perfect their work. After you join you'll be sent manuscripts to check out. Then you can share your thoughts with the author and other readers.